In-house Trainings by TÜV Rheinland Academy

In-house Trainings

With you - On site!

Are you in need of in-house training with learning content tailored to your company? And do you want to train several employees at the same time? Then our in-house training offers are just right for you. We will gladly adapt the training content to your training needs within your industry. In addition, in-house training can take place flexibly at your company.

What exactly does In-house Training mean?

We at TÜV Rheinland Academy differentiate between open seminars and in-house training. Often the difference between the meaning of in-house training and open seminar business is not fully understood. Yet it's not that difficult. In the open seminar business, your employees travel to our training facilities on a predetermined date and attend training sessions with other external participants. These open training courses are directly bookable online in our web shop. In-house training, on the other hand, usually takes place directly at your company’s premises on a date that suits you and is exclusively for your employees. Since this is a company-specific training, the training content can also be tailored to your individual training needs. To book an in-house training you should get in contact with us and we will gladly consult with you.

Your benefits at a glance

Our in-house training is the ideal solution for small and larger companies. Take a look at the advantages they offer:

  • Development of individual training solutions exactly fitting to your company.
  • In-house seminars can take place at your company.
  • Lower costs with maximum efforts by avoiding travel expenses and travel time.
  • If required, the realization of a virtual classroom is also possible.
  • Trainers and speakers with practical experience.
  • Customized training courses for groups of up to 20 participants.
Benefits of In-house Training by TÜV RheinlandBenefits of In-house Training by TÜV Rheinland

Training topics

We offer a variety of training topics, both as in-house training and open seminar - Get inspired now! Here you get an overview of our training topics. As we can also create customized training for you, please do not hesitate to contact us for individual training.