Frequently asked questions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When will I receive my PersCert TÜV certificate?
As a rule, the PersCert TÜV certificate is sent to the cooperation partner or the certified person within three weeks of the examination date.
Can I use the test mark from my certificate without showing my certificate?
No, the certificate can only be used as a whole, and you are not authorized to use other logos or trademarks of TÜV Rheinland in relation to your certification. You can apply for an individual test mark that shows you have passed the exam separately by contacting the local PersCert TÜV team.
Can I use resources when I sit PersCert TÜV exams?
It depends on the certification program. The use of resources is governed by the examination and certification regulations. Ask your training provider or PersCert TÜV proctor for more information.
Is it possible to take the exam without attending the course beforehand?
You can sit an exam without prior training, if attending the training course is not a prerequisite for admission to the exam and training participation is not required from the candidate. Refer to the examination and certification regulations in each case.
Which training and further training is suitable for my recertification and where can I attend these courses?
Training may be provided by a specific or by any provider, depending on the certification program. The training must be attended in the certified area and during the period of certificate validity. If the examination and certification regulations do not stipulate a specific seminar provider, you can choose to attend training from any provider.
My certificate is no longer valid. Can I apply for recertification?
Recertification can be requested by the certificate holder in writing from PersCert TÜV no later than 3 months after the expiry of the current certificate.
What is the deadline for submitting an assessment for the examination and certification of experts at PersCert TÜV?
The deadline for submitting assessments is governed by the examination and certification regulations. The deadline will also be agreed when confirming your assessment.
How can I make sure a person is certified?
Please contact us. We will inform you as soon as possible.
What are the exam admission requirements?
The admission requirements are defined in the relevant examination and certification regulations.